

Jubilee Gang Update for Orlando, FL

By Jubilee Gang | February 27, 2008 |

Dear Friends and Partners: We had an awesome event in Orlando, FL at Evangel Assembly of God. During our three day event we saw around 21 children born again. Our…

First event of 2008!

By Jubilee Gang | February 21, 2008 |

We did our first event of 2008 in Bruswick, GA. this week at Family Life Church. During this 3 day event we ministered 4 times and saw 55 children born…

Are Children’s Evangelist a dying breed?

By Jubilee Gang | February 15, 2008 |

Are Children’s Evangelists a Dying Breed? In an age where the role of a children’s evangelist has gone from a soul winning, bible teaching, encourager of the body, revivalist of…

Time to take back this generation!

By Jubilee Gang | February 8, 2008 |

I pray this video by Teen Mania Ministries stirs us up to take back this generation before we lose them.

Before the “WOW”

By Jubilee Gang | February 2, 2008 |

Before the “WOW”Jesse JoynerApr 13, 2007 After years of serving in children’s ministry, I feel that I’ve just stumbled onto something that I’ve missed for so long – the importance…

Testimonies from 2007 tour season

By Jubilee Gang | February 1, 2008 |

Knowing the statistics of this generation of children growing up in America, I often wonder if we (The Jubilee Gang) are making a difference in this generation of children. A…

Harvest Time!

By Jubilee Gang | January 28, 2008 |

The Harvest Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest. John 4:35 As we drove through Louisiana…

Childrens Ministry or Entertainment?

By Jubilee Gang | January 28, 2008 |

Over the years we have seen new ideas incorporated into children’s ministry such as; games, multi media, and technology at the expense of watering down the gospel message. We use…