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Praise in the Park – Portsmouth, OH

Jubilee Gang Ministries will be ministering at Praise in the park outreach at Tracy Park in Portsmouth, OH on Saturday July 26th. at 12 noon until 4PM

This event is for all Ages
Children, Teen’s, and adults
Don”t Miss It!!!

Tracy Park is on the corner of Gay and 9th street in Portsmouth, OH

hosted by Portsmouth Aglow Lighthouse
Clothing, Hygiene Giveaways & Food for the Homeless
recovery Information.
Locals singing & dancing
praises to our King!
Emphasizing “Unity in the Community”
If you or your church would like to participate or donate in any way
please contact Diane at 740-353-9289


Date and Time

July 26 @ 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Tracy Park
between 10th and 9th street on Gay street
Portsmouth, OH 45662 United States
+ Google Map