Dear Friends and Partners,
Reflecting on this year as it comes to an end, most of us would agree this has been one crazy year. Instead of our usually 40 or more events, we only had 12 events we did this year. We had around 30 cancellations due to Covid and Government regulations. We had 203 salvations during these events. In spite of all the cancellations God has supernaturally took care of us this year and we were able to pay off our Jubilee Gang Ministries truck that pulls our trailer and meet all our needs.
Below is a testimony from a mother at a church we ministered at in MO:
“I got to witness first hand the life changing power of Jesus tonight. I am a soccer coach for my son’s 1st thru 3rd grade boys team. After practice tonight, which we cut a little short to be able to get to church, my son asked if one of his team mates could come to church with us. (His friend has played on our team for 3 seasons so we know him and his family). They told him it was up to him if he wanted to go. He said yes. Both boys listened intently to the message. When the alter call was given at the end, my son leaned over and asked me if he should go up. I told him it was a decision he needed to make and if he felt like he should. He and his friend both stayed in their seats. During the end of the alter call, Jerry asked every one to repeat the salvation prayer. After helping to get names of those who went forward, I came back to my seat to get both boys. As we walked up the aisle, I suddenly heard my son’s friend sobbing almost uncontrollably. So I stopped him and sat him in a chair and asked if he was ok. He shook his head yes as he kept crying. I asked if he was sure and he said yes. I asked if he knew why he was crying and he said, “Yes. Jesus just changed my heart.” I gave him a big hug. He sobbed almost all the way out to the parking lot, but he knew something had happened in his life.
Due to the uncertainly with churches across the country still not opening their children’s ministry and some churches not even opening back up yet, we felt lead to buy an outreach trailer with the side that lets down for a stage. We purchased this trailer in August 2020. We have had it wrapped with custom Jubilee Gang graphics and installed a video wall inside it. Our plans as of right now is to have this outreach trailer ready to go this spring. We will be partnering with local churches and churches within the surrounding states to reach unreached children. We are not sure when churches will be comfortable to starting booking Jubilee Gang events again.. As of now we only have 4 booking for the summer of 2021. So during this time we will be putting our hand to the plow and reaching unreached kids in our surrounding area. As we did all the work on this outreach trailer we paid cash for everything we have done. In the middle of a pandemic God has supplied every need. We truly feel that this is what God has for us to do during this time.
We are so grateful for you and your prayers and support for the
Jubilee Gang. It’s because of you we are able to keep on ministering to children and families across America! We deeply appreciate you!
God Bless you, and we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Jerry & Candy Moyer