We had 3 amazing events in the month of September
We started off the month in Parkersburg, WV partnering with Church of his presence to reach out to 2 local housing projects and then a family service on Sunday morning service at their church.
25 children, teens, and adults made Jesus Lord of their life including a lady that had been a practicing witch since she was a child.
After leading her to the lord we broke the power of the devil over her life and she came to our family service Sunday morning with her grandkids and received more from God and plans to keep coming to church with them.
On Sept 17 – 19 we ministered at My Church in Jacksonville FL. We saw 22 people come forward to be born again and make Jesus Lord of their life and several people filled with the Holy Spirit during 4 family services.
We ended up the month in Ridgely, TN at River of Life Church of God of Prophecy. During 3 family services we saw 28 people including children, teens, and adults come forward to be born again and make Jesus lord of their life.
Posted in Jubilee Gang Updates