66 children born again in MA & CT

Dear Friends and Partners:
We had a great time ministering at Pine Brook Camp in Shutesbury, MA and at Cornerstone Church in Cheshire, CT these last 2 weeks.
At pine Brook Camp in MA we saw over 40 children Born Again. The camp director told me that this was close to half of all the campers. Many of the children at the camp were unchurched children and some of them were from the inner city of Springfield, MA and were sponsored so they could attend. Many of these children had never experienced anything Christian before. One of the children spoke up during the camp fire on the last night that he knew they were coming to a christian camp but did not have a clue what that meant. The child was very  apprehensive about it because they had never been to church before and did not really know any real Christians. Then he told how he was born again during this week of Camp and experienced God in a new way. It is our prayer that he will take what he received at this camp back to his family and community.
During our 4 day event in Cheshire, CT we saw 26 children come forward to be born again and many children came forward on the last night seeking more of God and going after Him with a new passion.
Over the next 2 weeks we will be in MI, MO, IL, KY, & AR.
Below are some Pictures from our events in MA & CT…

Night one at Pine Brook Camp in Shutesbury, MA
1. Angry Birds Live.
2. Praying with 33 children to be born again.

Day 2 at Pine Brook Camp in Shutesbury, MA.
1. Breakfast food flip Game.
2. Praying with 8 children to be born again
Children going after more of God and breaking strongholds in their lives at 
Pine Brook Camp in Shutesbury MA

Jerry praying with 20 children to be born again in Cheshire, CT

Night 2 at Cornerstone Church in Cheshire CT.

1. Frog Flip Game.

2. Jerry praying with 6 children to be born again.

Breakfast food flip game in Cheshire CT

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