In June, we ministered at Faith Family Church in Glastonbury, CT where we did a children/family event and we also partnered with them to do an outreach in a local housing project in New Haven, CT. After the outreach was over a young boy came up to one of the workers and told her, “That was fun! You guys should come back every Saturday!” PTL that’s what it is all about reaching and touching lives for Christ.
In July, we ministered in Floral Park, NY at Christ Assembly of God. It was such a blessing to minister at this church. The entire congregation was of Indian descent (from India). Most of them have lived in America a while with their children being born in America. We had such an awesome time with this church, not only in our ministry time but also getting to know them. When we were pulling out slowly to leave, we had 3 young girls running along side of our Suburban saying, “We are going to miss you! Come back again! We love you.” It really touched our hearts.
In August, we minister at Deland Nazarene in Deland, FL and Living Waters Fellowship in Chico, TX. Both of these churches were in smaller towns but had such a heart for their communities. Each night the crowds grew with unchurched people from their community. It was awesome to see lives transformed. In the church in Chico, TX one night 2 men came forward to be born again. They were both skate boarders at the park and someone from the church had invited them. PTL!
We also had some very touching testimonies shared with us. We received an email from a parent that said, “My children and myself were so blessed to meet you. We are out side working concentrating on what we are doing and out of no where comes the things you taught us for example: Jesus said you must be, you must be born again and we all join in and go nuts with it. They remember ever bit of what you taught. We appreciate you both dearly. God bless and thank you.!!!!” Another one came from a father in Chico, TX which reads. “Well ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to the NEWEST Born-Again Moore Family member as of tonight, August 15, 2011:Jackson Dewayne Moore… My Son…A NEW CREATION in Christ! At the Altar call tonight at Pastor Robert Cox’s Church in Chico, when the invitation was given, Little Jackson, that is 5, raised his hand on his own, bowed at the altar on his own, and received JESUS CHRIST AS Lord and Savior…I am one PROUD DADDY!!!! Praise the Lord!”
Jerry ministering at an Outreach in a Housing project in New Haven, CT
Jerry praying with 7 people to be born again including
2 young men that were skateboarders in Chico, TX.
Candy & Her new friends from Floral Park, NY