Christmas newsletter & year end report

Dear Friends and Partners
     As this year comes to a close and our touring season time is behind us, we feel so blessed and grateful for all God is doing through Jubilee Gang ministries. We have traveled over 30,000 miles and ministered  in 17 states.  We have ministered 95 times in 33 churches, 3 children camps, and several outreaches with over 1,400 salvation’s.  We have not only ministered to children, but we have done 38 family services. It was such an amazing touring season with so many touching stories and lives changed and not just children but adults too! We would love to share some of those touching stories.

    In a church in MN a mother had been bringing her two adopted children and the first night of our 3 day event the children a boy and girl had came forward to be born again. There was much spiritual warfare going on with this family that on the last night of the event the mother had so much fear come on her that she almost stayed home. That evening before the service Jerry with the children’s pastor was able to powerfully pray for this women to come against the work of the enemy in her life.  During the program that night the women came forward and gave her life to Christ. After the program all three of them came to our product table to say goodbye and the boy gave Jerry a hug. We later found out that this boy had Reactive Attachment Disorder and never showed any kind of affection due to his birth mother was addicted to drugs when she had him and never showed him any affection, so he was detached from the world. That night walls came down for this young man! The children’s pastor told us that later the mother had come to her and told her she has so much peace, joy, and love in her now that she didn’t know how to put it into words!

     We were in another church in, LA where the man who had been doing our skits each night had been away from the church for awhile. He was bringing his son and his son had come forward the first night to be born again. The last night we were teaching on renewing your mind and breaking strong holds he was the first of many adults that came forward to break strong holds on their lives. God poured out on these people that night, many strong holds were broken.  This man is now back in church and has totally turned his life around.
Jerry praying with families in Troy, PA

In September we ministered in a church in Troy, PA doing a family services and we had a whole family come to the alter and gave their lives to Christ together. Stories like this is why we love doing family events. Jubilee Gang programs are high energy multi media ministry programs that are geared for the entire family. Also, families learn biblical truths in a fresh and exciting way. During our programs entire families can receive ministry together, grow spiritually together, and participate in the interactivity of the event together. And then, parents can bring the message home for discussion and have dialogue about their faith between them and their children.

Jerry Praying with several children
in CA including 2 children
that their father was a
Muslim missionary
     We have two last stories of young children that have touched our lives.  We were in a church in  CA where one of the adult helpers had told us that he and his wife had invited 2 Muslim children from their neighborhood to come to the event. They both came forward and made Jesus their Lord and savior. Their father was a Muslim missionary in the CA prison system.  The children lived with their mother who didn’t follow the Muslim beliefs.  And the second story was in October we ministered in Richmond, VA at a camp meeting for the children. After we were gone we received a text from the children’s pastor which read: “We were in class tonight and one of the girls brought a friend to the Jubilee Gang who got saved. Her friend was a Buddhist. They are now praying that her little sister and mother will get saved. Just wanted to share that, thought it was cool.”

     You never know how you will touch someone’s lives and make an impact. Many lives can be changed just by inviting someone to church. We give the opportunity for those in attendance after each service to receive  Jesus as their savior and make him Lord of their lives, this is called being born again. In John 3:3 Jesus declared, “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again.” That should be everyone who is a Christian their mission, to help people around you to come into the Kingdom of God.  You can tell if someone is born again by the way they live. As we celebrate the reason for Christmas this year, the birth of Christ look around and help the people that don’t know Christ and lead them to him. That would be the greatest gift you could give to that person. 
God bless all of you and Merry Christmas.
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