Dear Friends.
We had an awesome and powerful week ministering at 3 different churches.
On June 11-13 we ministered in Beckley, WV at Family Worship Center and saw 112 children and teens come forward to be born again during this 3 day event.
On June 14 we ministered in Winnsboro, SC at the First Church of the Nazarene and saw 18 children born again.
Then we ministered at Christian Life Assembly in Columbia, SC on June 15 – 18 and 8 children were born again and many children ministered too during the Word, Spirit, and Power Conference.
We saw a total of 138 people born again and many lives touched by God this week.
The first 2 churches bussed children and teens in from the local housing projects to be ministered to. In Beckley, WV over 100 children per night were bussed in from several housing projects in the area.
Next weekend we will be ministering in Greenland, NH at Bethany Church on June 22-24
Keep us in your prayers as we travel America’s Highways ministering to children and families. Below are a few pictures from this weeks events.
playing the match-it game.
Jerry & Candy
The Jubilee Gang