Dear Friends and Partners:
We had an awesome week ministering in 3 churches in 3 states.
On Sept. 14 – 16 we ministered in Greenville, SC at the 1st Assembly of God and saw 14 children born again during this 3 day event.
On Sept 17-19 we ministered in Moultrie, GA at Lakeside Assembly and saw 79 children come forward to be born again.
Then, on Sept 21 we ministered at Winners Church in West Palm Beach, FL and saw around 62 people come forward to be born again.
Between all 3 churches we saw 155 children and teens born again.
Next week we will be ministering in Ocala, FL at The First Presbyterian Church.
Marcus Abernethy from Kids Dominion Live has been traveling with us during these events because Candy will be flying out to WA state on Tuesday Sept. 23 to visit her Mother. She has recently been diagnosed with an acute liver cancer and is not expected to live more than 3 to 4 weeks. Marcus will be finishing out Sept. with me while Candy visits her family in WA. Please keep Candy and her family in your prayers.
Below are some pictures from this weeks events.
Pizza Flop Game in West Palm Beach, FL
Markus Abernethy talking to Wild Thing in
Moultrie, GA
Jerry and Markus doing the Chicken skit in
West Palm Beach, FL
Jerry praying with children and teens in
Moultrie, GA where 79 people were born again.
Jerry praying with children and teens in
West Palm Beach, FL to be born again.
62 people came forward to receive Christ.
Please keep us in your prayers as we travel Americas highways ministering to children and their families.
God Bless You,
Jerry & Candy Moyer
The Jubilee Gang