Dear Friends and Partners,
What an amazing year of ministry. We didn’t know what to expect at the first of the year with churches across the country still not opening their children’s ministries back up, and only 4 bookings on our calendar. But, we knew if we stayed faithful to God’s plan, He would see us through. Being lead in our hearts to continue to reach the lost by going outside the church into unreached communities, we continued getting the outreach trailer ready to go. In 2020 we had already had the wrap put on the trailer and cleaned and painted the Inside of it, and put the video wall in. So in January through March we had the electric installed, and our sound and video all set up. Plus, we bought a hot dog roller grill, New Orleans style shaved ice machine, and all supplies needed to serve hot dogs and shaved ice. We also brought together the best team of workers to go out with us in our local communities. Our team was amazing through set up, the services, serving food, and tear down. They worked hard to make each event successful. We had 10 outreach events this year with 259 salvations. We partnered with 7 local churches & ministries, 2 churches in WV, and 1 in VA to help them reach their community.
Below is a story of a family that was impacted at one of the outreaches: During one of our outreaches in Parkersburg, WV in a local housing project a lady came forward to the altar call to make Jesus Lord of her life and to be born again. After our program she asked if she could talk to me, so I said of course. She proceeded to tell me that she had been a practicing witch since she was a child, and had actually conjured and burnt candles right before she came to our outreach. She said that she had tried to stop practicing witchcraft many times and had tried to go to church, but every year around this time Sept.– Oct, something would draw her back in. I explained to her how Jesus defeated the devil and gave her the victory through what he did on the cross. I then told her of a story of a family that had attended one of our events in MN and that the lady saw wolves every time she started to come to church and it kept her from coming and how we prayed over her and broke the devil’s power over her and her family and how God had set her free. The Lady in WV then asked me if we could do that for her. And again, I said “Of course’” and proceeded to ask the pastor if he could pray with us to break the devil’s power over this lady’s life.
The next day on Sunday, the lady came to the church service where I was ministering with her 2 grandchildren. During my message I told how when the people in the book of acts that were involved in witchcraft came to Jesus, they burnt all their witchcraft paraphernalia. I said that many times when people come to Jesus that instead of burning the stuff that held them back , they put it in a box on a top shelf and when they have a weak moment, they run to the top shelf to get the stuff. I told my testimony of when I gave up secular music because it was holding me back that instead of putting it in the closet, giving it away, or selling it, so it could mess up someone else’s life, I had a bon fire and burnt it. After the service she came up to me and asked if we could have a bon fire so she could burn all her witchcraft stuff. We talked to the pastor and several weeks later they had a bonfire. She continues to come to church with her grandchildren and was recently baptized. We also feel very blessed and grateful for all God is doing through Jubilee Gang ministries. We had an amazing year of ministry where we saw lives changed and transformed by God at our family/children’s services. We saw many families attend our services together, learn together, worship together, have fun together, and ultimately experience God together. It is such an amazing and blessed experience to see this in our services. We had a total of 22 JG bookings including 2 camps. In these services we had 545 salvations with a total of 804 salvations between our outreach events and Jubilee Gang events.Touching Stories:
After one of our services a girl came up to me and said, “I really loved your ministry. It was the best ministry I ever been to. When will you come back?” That really touch my heart.
After a Sunday morning family service an older women came up to us and said, “I was only going to stay 15 minutes out of respect and I ended up staying the whole service. I really enjoyed it and got a lot out of your message.” Just goes to show that our ministry is relevant to all ages.
We are so grateful for all that support our ministry and pray for us as we travel and do the work God has called us to do. We could not do this without all of you! We are so blessed and thankful. God Bless you, and we wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Jerry & Candy Moyer |