When you support Jubilee Gang Ministries it helps us continue to do outreaches in areas that need Jesus without any financial requirements from a local church or community. When we got our outreach trailer in 2020 I felt like The Lord was saying don't set any prices for outreaches.
In 2023 we were privileged to do 24 outreaches in 6 states OH, WV, MI, NY, PA, & MO and saw over 306 people come forward to make Jesus lord of their life.
We have not raised our suggested pricing for church events in over 15 years and we all know where the cost of everything has gone in the last 15 years. The reason for this is that we want to stay affordable for smaller churches as much as possible. 1/4 to 1/2 of our church events every year are reduced rates because we want to go to smaller church's and churches that do not have the budget to give us what we suggest. I have been told by several people in the production business that with the equipment we bring we should be charging over $7000 however, I know because I have been a Children's Pastor that most churches could never afford that price and it would be a huge burden on most churches. I am sure what we recommend is a HUGE amount to some smaller churches but we always try to work with them for whatever they can afford.
Your support helps us to keep being a blessing to smaller churches and communities that could never afford to have a ministry like ours to come in.
We are not waiting on a move of God!
We are a move of God!
Taking Jesus to the streets!
If you would like to be a part of helping us take the GOOD NEWS of the GOSPEL to unreached communities and help us to continue to minister to children and families across America you may donate by one of the 4 ways on the right side of this page.
Thank You for your prayers and Support.
Jerry & Candy Moyer
Jubilee Gang Ministries
1. Donate thru Cash App
2. Donate thru Venmo
3. Donate using our PayPal on the button or QR code below
4. Send donations to our ministry office at the address below.
Jubilee Gang Ministries
3495 Willow Rd. Springfield, OH 45502
*Jubilee Gang Ministries is a Tax Exempt 501c3 non profit organization. All gifts are tax deductible.