The above map has been on my office wall for the last 20 + years.
I have used it to keep track of all the places we have ministered over the years. Yellow pins are where we have been and red pins are where we are going. I replace the red pins at the end of each year with yellow pins. I use to speak to this map in faith and tell it to filled up with pins back in the day! It’s awesome to see God fill up my map over the years! Each pin represents lives that have been touched by God through the ministry of the Jubilee Gang.
Since 1998 we have ministered in 40 States, Puerto Rico, Canada, and Russia and in over 20 different denominations and a host of non denominational churches and have seen over 18,000 people born again during our events.
The Calling… Go into all the world and preach the gospel. Mark 16:15
When I was 6 years old I went to an altar in a Methodist Church in Ironton, OH on New Years eve and gave my life to Jesus. No one even prayed with me that night but when I got up I knew that I hade been changed. I went home and told my mother that I became a christian tonight. I had been born again!
When I was 16 I answered another altar call to surrender my life to God and heard God speak to my heart to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel” Since that day my life has been a journey through many adventures and ups and downs, and huge leaps of faith, however; God has been faithful and we have been blessed to see God use us to lead many people to Jesus!
The transition…
24 years later and we are taking another step of faith. After having the privilege of serving as Children’s Pastor at RiverSong Church in our home town of Springfield for 4 years, we are stepping down to go full time back on the road to fulfill the call God has placed on my life. Its been an awesome time serving, training, and building with our local church over the last 4 years, however; we know in our hearts that it is time to focus on the call of winning the lost and making disciples.
If you would like to become a monthly prayer or financial partner with Jubilee Gang Ministries as we take this step of faith to go full time on the road again or give a one time gift click on the partner form below to see the different ways that you can partner with our ministry.