We finished our last event for 2020 on Dec. 11-13 in Biglerville, PA at Jesus is Lord Ministries.
We did our 1st Christmas themed Jubilee Gang Program’s called “THE GIFT” which is a 2 part program that explains why God sent Jesu to earth and why it is such a HUGE deal.
During our 4 services in PA we saw 10 children come forward to be born again and make Jesus Lord of their Life. This is what it is truly all about for us. Leading people to Jesus. The greatest Christmas gift ever given.
These programs will be available to churches across America next year. If you are interested in scheduling Jubilee Gang Ministries for the 2021 Christmas season please contact us ASAP to reserve your date.
We are also scheduling events for the entire year of 2021. As of right now we have no bookings until summer 2021.