Dear friends and partners,
As the Christmas season is upon us I am reminded of the greatest Christmas Gift that was ever given. The birth of God’s son into the world to redeem us back from the devil “God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that who so ever believeth on Him will have eternal life.” This is a very familiar verse to most of us and it would be easy to just quote it really fast and jump past it when we see it written out. However, there is a lot contained in this verse that we can miss if we do that.
The reason God gave us Jesus is because he loved the world. While we were yet sinners God loved us. While we were still by nature against him, He loved us so much that he gave his only Son.
In 1 Cor. 13:4-8 we find what most people call the love chapter. These verses describe the God kind of love or God’s love toward us. This is the same love that we receive when we are born again and receive God’s nature in our lives. In the King James version of the bible the translators used the word charity instead of love. As I was growing up I always wondered why the translators used the word charity. It seemed like two totally different things to me. As I investigated the word charity more I discovered that it means loving someone so much that you give. This is truly the God kind of love. When you love someone so much that you give. True love is not about us it’s about others. It’s about seeing a need and doing something about it.
This Christmas season let us follow the God kind of love and be a blessing to others instead of it being all about us and what we can get. God loved the world so much that he gave his most prized possession for the betterment of the world. So that we could be brought back into relationship with our heavenly father. For this is the true meaning of Christmas!
As we celebrate the birth of the greatest gift ever given, we pray that you and your family have a wonderful Christmas Celebration. We are so grateful for all our partners, friends, and family. We are also grateful to a wonderful home church for allowing us to travel ministering to children and be on staff! And, all their support and prayers. God Bless all of you and Merry Christmas!